"I defeated the Inquisitor in a trial by combat. By the grace of Halone, you will let these people pass."

Velix was among the first of Ishgard's dragoons that hailed from Gridania, taken in as a sign of the city's first steps in joining the Eorzean Alliance. Young as he was, and hot-headed to a fault, he began to surpass trial after trial with fly colors, blending Ishgard's lancework with his own fighting style from the Twelveswood. Ultimately, he received his dragoon armor with pride, brandishing it back to the wider continent as a symbol that anyone could prove themselves if given the right chance.In time, however, his time in the starlight would fall from crossing the more zealous members of Ishgard. He frequently clashed with the Inquisitors and their methods, eventually coming to an open head when he was sent to work with an Inquisitor in Dravania. When the Inquisitor stumbled on a group of civilians and declared them heretics to be purged, Velix declared a trial by combat and beat him within an inch of his life, sending him back to Ishgard with his robes in shreds. For this, Velix was tried within the Holy See, but having followed the rites of combat, he could not be punished. Instead, his armor was dyed red as a mark of censure, labelling him instead the "Crimson Dragoon".Ironically, Velix bears the title proudly, drawing on the powers of the Great Wyrm and using it to fight without pause. Liberal use of draconic aether has colored his eyes bright red, yet he controls it with a tranquil heart, never slipping into the dragon's throes since his induction. To the Holy See's anger, the Crimsoon Dragoon has no intention of stopping his duties; he will take to the skies in a streak of red to bear down on the unjust, a renewed icon of the dragoons of old.


"You want Ala Mhigo? Then come and take it."*

Despite hailing from Ala Mhigo, all Velix ever knew of the province was that it was held by the Empire, never to be retaken. Upon learning however of the Alliance's wish to liberate the region, he happily took up the standard and joined his Adders in the campaign; this was to him a personal venture to discover his ancestral roots. For a man of his age, it did not take long for him to see the full scope of open war - The Crimson Dragoon found himself on the frontlines where the fighting was fierce and the Empire was strongest.In the thick canyons and peaks, Velix found that his lancework wanting when fighting in ranks and in crowded areas, instead striking out as a lone wolf against the Garlean air force like a bolt of thunder from airship to airship. He retained his combat doctrine of relentless speed, defeating his enemies with a viciousness that earned him the moniker "Serpent of Ala Mhigo."Yet the conflict was taking a toll on his mind as he witnessed friend and foe alike die around him, and it grew worse as he was soon fighting in Ghimlyt Dark, pushing himself harder and harder against the Garleans in sleepless nights. Soon, he was pulled back from the front from a very concerned Seedseer. For his wellbeingl, Velix was recalled of his role in the front lines and sent back to Gridania, where he was reassigned as a part of the Adder's foreign branch, which he leads as a squad of Serpents that specifically works in joint operations with the other Grand Companies.


"The Torii Gates opened, and I walked to see their path. And my path led me to you."

Many Dark Knights regale of voices calling to them in the Brume within Ishgard, the first step to finding their calling. Velix, however, felt a voice on the wind in Kugane as he passed a tomb, wracked still with survivor's guilt and the shellshock he endured in Ghimlyt Dark. From there, Nameless has been a part of Velix's life, his sentient shadow that flickers and dwells as his silent but ever-present guardian.As every Dark Knight embodies and projects emotions, Nameless is the emotional construct of the fear of death and mortality; his blade fills the air with silent horror and he walks radiating an aura that turns courage into dust. Yet in spite of such quiet brutality, nothing is more frightening than when Nameless decides to throw his blade aside, and use pure dynamis to tear his foes to shreds.